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Interaction with local government

MPAC meeting

Published on: February 3, 2021

Prayatna Nepal has organized MPAC meeting on 2nd February 2021 in Lalitpur  Metropolitan City  under  “ Empowerment of Visually Impaired Women  in Nepal” supported by Women Fund Asia and 'Ensuring the Access of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights of Visually Impaired Women supported by mama cash. The objective of that program was to analyze the resource utilization status of the Prayatna Nepal and  review   progress, achievements as well as gather appropriate feedback and suggestion for project implementation.  Almost all of the Palika level sectors head including Women Development Committee, Prayatna Nepal staffs and board members attended the meeting chaired by the deputy meyar  of Lalitpur metropolitan city .

The participants from government institution has provided feedback to  Prayatna Nepal . Deputy mayor Mrs. Gita Silwal said, this is a very important meeting and interventions are in a very sensitive sectors.  Prayatna Nepal should document the all suggestion and feedbacks. And organization should collaborate with local government.


Meeting Minute writing and leadership training for sister of Prayatna Nepal in Gandaki Province

Prayatna Nepal is a nonprofit, non-religious and non-political women led organization established for the empowerment and rights promotion of women and girls with visual impairment.

Orientation on Disability and Sexuality to Health workers at Pokhara Metropolitan City

Prayatna Nepal is a nonprofit, non-religious and non-political women led organization established for the empowerment and rights promotion of women and girls with visual impairment.

Advocacy meetings with health insitutions (Charak institute of health science and Gandaki Medical College, Pokhara, Nepal)

Prayatna Nepal is the self-help organization, which is working continuously to empower the living condition of women and girls with visual impairment.
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Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2024 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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