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cover image for the publication showing some books and prayatna logo with the text Resources
Publication Source: Others
Publication Type:none
Source Organization: baahrakhari

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पूर्ण–आंशिक दृष्टिविहीन महिलाका लागि आत्मरक्षा तालिम सम्पन्न

August 24, 2021

फाइट ब्याकको सहयोगमा प्रयत्न नेपालद्वारा आयोजित आत्मरक्षा तालिम सम्पन्न भएको छ । तालिममा पूर्ण/आंशिक दृष्टिविहीन भएका ११ महिला सहभागी थिए ।

logo of Prayatna
Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
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