Some of the news articles that featured Prayatna nepal 1.Article by news abyan 2.Article by kapan online 3.Article by baahra Khari 4.Article by Mero khel 5.Article by Neplays 6. Article by Khelpati
कोरोना महामारीको समयमा मास्क र पञ्जा लगाउनु अपरिहार्य छ । तर, कतिपय अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिहरू, त्यसमा पनि दृष्टिबिहिन व्यक्तिहरूलाई मास्क र पञ्जा सहि तरिका कसरी प्रयोग गर्ने भन्ने वारेमा ज्ञान नभएको पाईएको छ । यसै सन्दर्भमा, प्रयत्न नेपाल ले ललितपुर महानगरपालिकासँगको साझेदारीमा यो रेडियो जिङ्गल तयार गरेको हो ।
Nepali society still views disabilities as a punishment of previous life. The National Census 2011 claims 1.94 % of Nepalese live with some kind of disability but human rights activists working on this issue do not agree upon this data because this ratio is very negligible in comparison to developed countries. Maintaining menstrual health, hygiene […]
Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.