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Mobility training

Orientation and mobility training for Visually impaired women's.

Published on: September 5, 2021

Orientation and Mobility is a profession-specific to blindness and low vision that teaches safe, efficient, and effective travel skills to blind and visually impaired people. This refers to the ability to know where they are and where they want to go, whether you’re moving from one room to another or walking city or village area for different work. “Mobility” refers to the ability to move safely, efficiently, and effectively from one place to another, such as being able to walk without tripping or falling, cross streets, and use public transportation.

With the aim of reducing the dependency of visually impaired women, Prayatna Nepal has organized 4 days of training on orientation and mobility for 11 visually impaired women. These 4 days of training basically focused on Sensory development, Using Their senses in combination with self-protective techniques and sighted guide techniques to move safely through indoor and outdoor environments.

  •  Using a white cane to walk safely and efficiently.
  • Finding destinations with strategies that include following directions and using landmarks and compass directions
  • Techniques for crossing streets, such as analyzing and identifying intersections and traffic patterns
  • Problem-solving skills to determine what to do if they are disoriented or lost or need to change their route

As a result of this program, participants were able to know the proper technique of using a white cane, sighted guide technique, and other essential techniques.  


Vacancy for Program Officer

Prayatna Nepal is a civil society organization established by the groups of women with and without visual disabilities.

Life skills training for visually impaired women and girls

Prayatna Nepal is the self-help organization working for empowering the living condition women and girls with visually impairments.

Meeting Minute writing and leadership training for sister of Prayatna Nepal in Gandaki Province

Prayatna Nepal is a nonprofit, non-religious and non-political women led organization established for the empowerment and rights promotion of women and girls with visual impairment.

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Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2024 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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