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Moderator Hosting session


Following are achievements from the initiatives by Prayatna Nepal.

  • 35 visually impaired women gained knowledge on sexuality. They were oriented with disabilities, LGBTIQ, law, used and features of contraceptive devices and advocacy technique on sexual and reproductive health right issues of women with disabilities with larger stake holders.
  • 94 visually impaired women got safe space to share their challenges which they face in their daily life. As well as they share some opportunity and strategy to overcome their challenges. Dialogue includes issues on reproductive justice, sexual violence, disability-based discrimination, self-care, marriage issues and other emerging issues which they have to confront on daily basis.
  • 31 visually impaired women were trained to avoid the sexual violence from fight back training and they are being able to say 'No' for against the violence. Also they are able to walk confidently in the streets of Nepal.
  • Because of CV writing and interview technique training, 19 visually impaired women gained knowledge on employable skills, Because of this, they are able to fight in competitive market. Among them, 7 visually impaired women were able to develop their career. Now they are living independent life on their own income. One of the visually impaired women says," before my job, people used to call myself, by my disability now they start to call by my name.”
  • 92 visually impaired students were sensitized on menstruation hygiene management skills as well as, they received reusable pad and menstrual cups.
  • 151 visually impaired students were benefited from educational materials.
  • Prayatna Nepal got opportunity to involve as a team member of organizing committee of international disability day celebration at Lalitpur metropolitan city.
  • The concurrent issues of visually impaired women were raised in different forum.
  • The credibility of Prayatna Nepal is increased.
  • 2 nonregistered forums were established in Surkhet, Karnali province and Gandaki province as a win of Prayatna Nepal. This win is called Sisters of Prayatna Nepal
  • 2 visually impaired women were represented in Young Female Leadership Forum after the frequent advocacy
  • The fight back training of Prayatna Nepal was featured by BBC Nepali news.
  • 20 visually impaired women were able to do their own signature by themselves.
  • Prayatna Nepal reviewed policies and program regarding COVID from the lens of gender and disability and developed a policy brief which will be the strong document for advocacy
  • 15 women with disabilities participated in open essay competition entitled, 'Impact of COVID on Women with Disabilities in Nepal. Among them, 5 physical disabilities, 1 deaf, 1 hard of hearing, 5 blind and 3 partially sighted women participated. Top 5 essays were awarded with the prize
  • 14 blind and visually impaired women got the platform to share their experiences and challenges faced due to situation of COVID through COVID Dialogue Series.
  • 22 families of blind and visually impaired women were directly benefited with food and hygiene kit distribution in the form of relief materials. Relief materials were distributed to those families who were facing problem to run their livelihood because of the ongoing situation of COVID.


Training on Feminism

Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments.

Safe Mobility Training to visually impaired women and girls

Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments.

Orientation on disability and sexuality to health workers

Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments.
logo of Prayatna
Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2025 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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