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Consultation Meeting with Organization of People with Disabilities on Policy Brief

Published on: January 5, 2021

On 5th January 2021, Prayatna Nepal conducted consultation meeting among the representatives from different organizations of people with disabilities on virtual platform zoom. Prayatna Nepal reviewed COVID related existing national and international policies and programs through the lens of gender and disability and policy brief was developed.  Mr Binod Basnet was the consultant for the policy brief. Mr. Bimal Paudel and Mrs. Neera Adhikari were peer reviewer of the policy brief. To collect feedbacks, insights and recommendation from the representatives from OPDS, consultation meeting was held.

From the meeting, feedbacks were collected to make policy brief more comprehensive and bring solidarity. Through the policy brief existing gaps on the policies and programs were identified regarding gender and disability. It is strong tool and evidence for advocacy for Prayatna itself and other organizations.

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