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Disaster Risk Management Training

Published on: June 10, 2017

The devastating earthquake of 7.6 magnitude on 25th April 2015 and the 6.8 magnitude aftershock on May 12 made thousands of people homeless with entire villages flattened across many districts of the country. Fourteen districts were mostly affected by the earthquake out of the 75 districts in Nepal on various levels of destruction.  55% of women and girls sustain higher levels of death in comparison to men. Women with disabilities face even greater risk, and are often the last to be reached, and the last to be rescued. In this regards, Prayatna Nepal has conducted disaster risk management training for 38 visually impaired women on May 24-27 2016 in Kathmandu, November 4-6 in Gorkha and may 27-28 2017 in Sindhupalchwok.

Objective of training

  1. To enhance the disaster risk response and management capacities of visually impaired women.

That training was based on following topics:

  1. Risk concept overview, Hazard, threats accident and emergency. Hazard hunts and Fear dynamic etc.
  2. Understand the fear, Physiology of fear, emergency fire step to take and manage accordingly etc.
  3. Why did earth quake happen in Nepal?
  4. Historical pattern of earth quake?
  5. What to do before earth quake?
  6. What to do during earth quake?
  7. What to do after earth quake, in case of fire following in earth quake?
  8. What is golden rule of evacuation?

Because of that training, 38 visually impaired women develop capacity on disaster risk management technique and they are able to made own individual plan for personal safety.


Training on Feminism

Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments.

Safe Mobility Training to visually impaired women and girls

Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments.

Orientation on disability and sexuality to health workers

Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments.

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Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2025 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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