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Fight Back Training to Visually Impaired Women

Published on: March 8, 2022

On the occasion of 112th International Women's Day, Prayatna Nepal successfully conducted 5 days of Fight Back Training among 11 visually impaired women and girls from Dhangadi, Nepalgunj, and Kathmandu.  The training was facilitated by the teams of Fight Back Pvt. Ltd . Lalitpur Metropolitan City provided needed support and encouragement with the presence of Mrs. Maheshwori Bista Rawal (Chief of Woman Development Division) in the closing ceremony.

The participants were oriented on Good Touch and Bad Touch, Fear Management, Maintaining social media safety and security. Along with this participants learned the skills and techniques of fightback to combat and tackle the possible violence and harassment.

The main objective of conducting fightback training was to reduce the risk of possible violence and harassment and make participants skillful with the techniques of fighting back. After being part of the fightback training, participants found it so effective for visually impaired women and they suggested conducting such training all over Nepal especially targeting visually impaired women in remote areas.

Prayatna Nepal would like to thank all the participants for their proactive participation and Fight Back Pvt. Ltd for their facilitation in a blind-friendly environment. Special thanks to mama cash for the funding support.

Watch our short video of the program.



Training on Feminism

Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments.

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Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments.

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Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments.

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Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2025 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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