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SRHR and Disability Orientation to Health workers -May 10&11 2022

Published on: May 11, 2022

Prayatna Nepal organised a 2 days SRHR and Disability Orientation to health workers of lalitpur Metropolitan area. The main objective was to sensitize health workers on SRHR and Disability rights and issues.

The first day of SRHR orientation was started by Ms. Sarita Lamichhane, chairperson of Prayatna Nepal. She formally commenced the program by welcoming everyone. She then invited Mr. Bijay Prakash Upadhaya, a physiotherapist who was one of the facilitators of the orientation. He highlighted the objectives of the orientation in his welcome remarks. After that, Ms. Sarita Lamichhane welcomed chief of Lalitpur Metropolitan City's health division for her welcome remarks before proceeding to the introduction session. Mr. Bijay to took over the 1st session on conceptual clarity on SRHR. His session included discussions on reproductive health rights care and inclusive SRHR. The second session of the first day was facilitated by Ms. Sarita Lamichhane, who started her session by playing an informative video documentary on types of disability on the basis of severity and functional limitations. Her session was basically focused on accessibility and universal design to ensure inclusion of persons with disabilities.

On the second day, the training started with participants sharing what they learnt in the previous day. Then Ms. Sarita Lamichhane introduced the facilitator, Ms. Sarita Maharjan, to present on national policies related to persons with disabilities. Her session was mostly based on present situation of persons with disabilities in Nepal. Through her presentation, she also shared international and national laws and policies that address the issues and rights of persons with disabilities. The next session was taken by Ms. Neera Adhikari, under-secretary of Lalitpur Metropolitan city, who focused discussions on existing health/ SRHR policies related to persons with disabilities and the role of local level government.She then proceeded to talk about provisions of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), Constitution of Nepal, Acts and Rules on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Local Government Operation Act and their roles. The last session was taken by Mr. Bijay who talked more about reproductive health rights and their components. He also took suggestions from the participants regarding registration of persons with disabilities who come to seek medical or health related help.



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Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments.

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Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments.

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Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments.

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Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
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