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Women with Disability

Menstruation Hygiene Management Workshop sinduli
Menstruation Hygiene Management Workshop at Kusma-Parbat, Gokarneshwor and Sinduli
Prayatna Nepal is a nonprofit, non-religious and non-political women led organization established for the empowerment and rights promotion of women and girls with visual impairment. Since its establishment in 2015, Prayatna Nepal has been implementing various activities targeting to the visually impaired girls and women. Since Prayatna Nepal is the part of overall national and […]
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Refresher Life Skills Training
Refresher Life Skills Training
Prayatna Nepal is the self-help organization working for empowering the living condition women and girls with visually impairments. The organization is established by the composition of both women with and without visually impairments. Among the seven board members, five of them (71%) are with visually impairments where the organization is led by the totally blind […]
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Orientation on Disability and Sexuality for Health Workers
Disability and Sexuality Orientation for Health Workers of Lalitpur Metropolitan City
Event Date: August 10-11, 2023 Organized by: Prayatna Nepal in Collaboration with Lalitpur Metropolitan City Number of Participants: 23 Health worker representatives from different health institutions within LMC Day 1: The event kicked off with a warm welcome by Jima Lamkoliya, vice-chairperson of Prayatna Nepal who set the tone for the program by introducing the […]
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Signature technique training
Signature technique training
Prayatna Nepal is the self-help organization, which is working continuously to empower the living condition of women and girls with visual impairment. The organization is established by the group of both women with and without visual impairment. Among the seven board members, five (71%) are with visual impairment, including the chairperson. The idea of inclusion […]
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Sexuality training
Sexuality Training
Introduction Prayatna Nepal, a prominent disability rights organization, recently organized a transformative training program on sexuality for visually impaired women in Nepal. This comprehensive five-day event, held from May 21st to May 25th, aimed to educate and empower visually impaired women from various regions of the country by equipping them with valuable knowledge and skills […]
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logo of Prayatna
Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2025 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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