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Moderator hosting the session.
Menstruation Hygiene Management Workshop
Prayatna Nepal conducted One Day Menstruation Hygiene Management Workshop to the visually impaired women living at Kathmandu, bhaktapur and Lalitpur district. The workshop was targeted to the visually impaired young women who lives in hostel and studying +2. 16 participants were benefitted from the workshop. The main purpose of the workshop was to orient the […]
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Interaction with local government
MPAC meeting
Prayatna Nepal has organized MPAC meeting on 2nd February 2021 in Lalitpur  Metropolitan City  under  “ Empowerment of Visually Impaired Women  in Nepal” supported by Women Fund Asia and 'Ensuring the Access of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights of Visually Impaired Women supported by mama cash. The objective of that program was to analyze the […]
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cover image for the publication showing some books and prayatna logo with the text Resources
Feminist Dialogue on COVID-19 in the lives of Visually impaired women
On 29th January 2021, Prayatna Nepal conducted Feminist Dialogue among the visually impaired women about the impact of COVID 19 in their life on virtual platform zoom. 14 blind and visually impaired women were participated in the program from different parts of Nepal. The dialogue program was facilitated by Miss Shilpa Dhungel, vice chair of […]
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cover image for the publication showing some books and prayatna logo with the text Resources
Workshop on Development of 3 years strategic planning of Prayatna Nepal
Prayatna Nepal conducted one day workshop for developing 3 years strategic planning of the organization on virtual platform zoom on 16th January 2021. It was conducted among the executive members and staffs of Prayatna Nepal. In the workshop, organization's vision, mission, goal were discussed. Along with this, SWOT analysis and stakeholder analysis was done and […]
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cover image for the publication showing some books and prayatna logo with the text Resources
Consultation Meeting with Organization of People with Disabilities on Policy Brief
On 5th January 2021, Prayatna Nepal conducted consultation meeting among the representatives from different organizations of people with disabilities on virtual platform zoom. Prayatna Nepal reviewed COVID related existing national and international policies and programs through the lens of gender and disability and policy brief was developed.  Mr Binod Basnet was the consultant for the […]
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Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2025 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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