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Participants playing game standing with each other
Sexuality Training
Prayatna Nepal had conducted 5 days training on sexuality for 14 visually impaired women at Lalitpur. The objective of that training was to create safe space to have proper knowledge on sexuality, its dimension, and link with technology. Because of that training participants gained knowledge on structure of contraceptive devices, sex, gender, sexuality, technique for […]
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Practicing interview
CV Writing and Interview Technique Training
To be employable it is not enough to master a set of professional skills. In order to succeed in one's job we need to focus on a skill set that goes beyond handling professional requirements. Realizing the fact as a part of capacity building program, 4 days CV writing and interview technique training has conducted […]
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Showing bandaging method
Disaster Risk Management Training
The devastating earthquake of 7.6 magnitude on 25th April 2015 and the 6.8 magnitude aftershock on May 12 made thousands of people homeless with entire villages flattened across many districts of the country. Fourteen districts were mostly affected by the earthquake out of the 75 districts in Nepal on various levels of destruction.  55% of […]
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Visually impaired people learning to walk using white cane
Orientation and Mobility Training
Prayatna Nepal in collaboration with Access planet has provided orientation and mobility training.
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People making a temporary shelter
Rescue and Relief Operation Conducted during Earthquake
After devastating earth quakes of 25 April and May 12, our country Nepal faced the huge loss of human life and physical properties. As one of the organizations in visually impaired women sector, Prayatna team has decided to go for data collection and relief support for the earth quake victim of visually impaired families. For entire […]
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Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2024 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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