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Handing over the woolen cloth and blanket
Distribution of woolen clothes to the needy families of people with disabilities
On 24th December 2020, Prayatna Nepal distributed woolen clothes (blanket, gloves, sweater, thermos coat, socks, woolen hat, trouser) to the people with disabilities temporarily residing in Kirtipur Kathmandu. UN women provided relief material to Nepal Disabled Women Association. And coordinating with NDWA, Prayatna Nepal distributed those materials to the needy people who run their livelihood […]
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One of our Participant exploring moon cup
Menstruation Hygiene Management Workshop
Five Menstruation Hygiene Management Programs had conducted in  one school of Gorkha district,  one school of Lalitpur district,  two schools of Kaski district where girls with visually impairments study and one in Kathmandu.  The objective of those training was were to sensitize visually impaired women on menstruation hygiene management technique. During those session, first participants […]
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learning moves of fight back
Fight back training
Many women in Nepal encounter various forms of gender based discrimination including physical harassment, violence and assault. Especially, this is graver for visually impaired young women, as they rarely have access to any forms of discussion or information on dealing with or tackling different forms of harassment. Therefore, within this context, Prayatna Nepal has organized […]
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Participants playing game standing with each other
Sexuality Training
Prayatna Nepal had conducted 5 days training on sexuality for 14 visually impaired women at Lalitpur. The objective of that training was to create safe space to have proper knowledge on sexuality, its dimension, and link with technology. Because of that training participants gained knowledge on structure of contraceptive devices, sex, gender, sexuality, technique for […]
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Practicing interview
CV Writing and Interview Technique Training
To be employable it is not enough to master a set of professional skills. In order to succeed in one's job we need to focus on a skill set that goes beyond handling professional requirements. Realizing the fact as a part of capacity building program, 4 days CV writing and interview technique training has conducted […]
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Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2025 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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