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Ms. Jalasa Sapkota demonstrating the safety and privacy features of different social media.
Press Council Nepal's Website: A Rollercoaster Ride of Clicks and Confusion
Article presents findings of Prayatna Nepal's recent position paper on accessibility audit of various platforms with a specific focus on the Press Council Nepal website. In today's digital age, accessibility on online platforms is crucial to ensure that everyone, including individuals with disabilities, can access information and services without barriers. Unfortunately, our audit of the […]
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Jalasa Sapkota
The interconnection of human rights and disability rights
As the world commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on 10 Dec, the theme ‘Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All’ resonates more powerfully than ever. This occasion provides a moment to reflect on the progress made in upholding human rights globally and to emphasize the interconnectedness of human rights […]
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Jalasa Sapkota
NHRC's Retention of A status and Disability Rights Advancement
The recent decision of the Subcommittee of Accreditation (SCA) within the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) to retain the status of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has generated optimism among various advocacy groups in Nepal, particularly those championing women, LGBTQ+, indigenous, and disability rights. This article emphasizes the pivotal role of […]
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खाना बनाउन सिक्दै दृष्टिविहिन बिद्यार्थी(फोटो फिचर)
शहिदलखन गाउँपालिका–६ घैरुङकी लक्ष्मी श्रेष्ठलाई आफ्नै हातले मिठो खाना बनाएर परिबारलाई खुवाउने ठूलो रहर थियो । तर आँखाले साथ नदिँदा उनी रहर मनभित्रै खुम्च्याएर बस्न बाध्य थिइन् । सरस्वती मावि आलेको कक्षा १० मा पढ्ने श्रेष्ठलाई राम्ररी देख्न नसक्ने हुँदा उनलाई ग्याँस चुल्हो ह्वार्र बल्दा निकै डर लाग्थ्यो । धारिलो चक्कु छुन, समात्न पनि डर […]
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Jalasa Sapkota
Teej Festival: Exploring Essence of Inclusivity
Festivals are synonymous with rejuvenation, closeness, and togetherness. However, the true essence of these celebrations can often be compromised, rendering them less enjoyable for certain groups, particularly those with disabilities. The limitations and restrictions imposed on their participation in various activities can dilute the charm of these festivities. To illustrate this point, let's delve into […]
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Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2025 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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