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Women with Disability

Orientation and mobility
Orientation and Mobility Training
Prayatna Nepal is the self-help organization working for empowering the living condition women and girls with visually impairments. The organization is established by the composition of both women with and without visually impairments. Among the seven board members, five of them (71%) are with visually impairments where the organization is led by the totally blind […]
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Training on feminism
Training on Feminism
Prayatna Nepal is the self-help organization working for empowering the living condition women and girls with visually impairments. The organization is established by the composition of both women with and without visually impairments. Among the seven board members, five of them (71%) are with visually impairments where the organization is led by the totally blind […]
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Signature Technique Training
Signature Technique Training
With the aim to reduce the finger print, Prayatna Nepal has conducted 2 days signature technique training for blind women from Gorkha and Tanahu district. The objective of the training was to sensitize visually impaired women on the structure of sighted alphabet and develop their own signature instead of finger print. MS. Sarita Lamichhane , […]
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Covid dialogue series at Gorkha
Covid dialogue series at Gorkha
Prayatna Nepal had conducted one day Covid dialogue series for 24 visually impaired women in Gorkha. This program was started by Mr. Amrit Rai director of NAB rehabilitation Gorkha. He welcomes all participants and representatives of Gorkha municipality. Chief guest Mr. Bijay Bhakta Tiwari thanks the organizer for bringing such an important program in Gorkha. […]
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Menstruation Hygiene Management
Menstruation Hygiene Management Workshop
Prayatna Nepal conducted one day program on menstruation hygiene management workshop for girls with down syndrome and intellectual disability on 2nd February 2023 and Blind and 11 blind and visually impaired from Kapilvastu on 12th February 2023. The overall goal of the workshop was to enable girls with down syndrome and intellectual disability to manage […]
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logo of Prayatna
Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2025 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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