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Training on Feminism
Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments. It was founded by a diverse group of women, both with and without visual impairments. Five of the seven board members,71% have visual impairments, including the chairperson. By including women with and without disabilities, the organization aims […]
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Person with a white cane walking on a sunny street with shops and other pedestrians.
Safe Mobility Training to visually impaired women and girls
Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments. It was founded by a diverse group of women, both with and without visual impairments. Five of the seven board members,71% have visual impairments, including the chairperson. By including women with and without disabilities, the organization aims […]
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Two individuals holding a paper with text in an event hall with banners in the background.
Orientation on disability and sexuality to health workers
Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments. It was founded by a diverse group of women, both with and without visual impairments. Five of the seven board members,71% have visual impairments, including the chairperson. By including women with and without disabilities, the organization aims […]
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Two people sitting side by side, one holding a smartphone.
Training on Assistive Technology
Prayatna Nepal is a self-help organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls with visual impairments. It was founded by a diverse group of women, both with and without visual impairments. Five of the seven board members,71% have visual impairments, including the chairperson. By including women with and without disabilities, the organization aims […]
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Stakeholder Consultation on Digital Rights and Accessibility
Stakeholder Consultation on Digital Rights and Accessibility
Prayatna Nepal, a self-help organization dedicated to empowering visually impaired women and girls, recently conducted a consultation on digital accessibility on national and international laws, policy, frameworks, universal design and accessibility standards to content developers, IT professionals, government representatives, private sector stakeholders, and representatives from Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs). The organization, established by […]
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logo of Prayatna
Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2025 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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