Prayatna Nepal conducted one-day Feminist Dialogue Series in Kathmandu on 28th April 2022 among 16 blind and visually impaired women and girls. The moderator for the dialogue series was Miss Sarita Lamichhane .Ms Sarita asked all the participants to introduce themselves by sharing their names, type of visual disability, place of residence and what makes […]
Prayatna Nepal conducted one-day Feminist Dialogue Series on the digital right in Kathmandu on 24th March 2022 among 19 blind and visually impaired women.
Prayatna Nepal distributed educational materials (braille paper, stylus, slate, geometric kit et. ) to the blind students of Sidhartha Smarak Secondary School Bhelai Kapilvastu on 9th March 2022. The educational materials were distributed in the presence of the school principal, resource teachers, and representatives of the school administration. In Nepal, mostly blind students are found […]
On the occasion of 112th International Women's Day, Prayatna Nepal successfully conducted 5 days of Fight Back Training among 11 visually impaired women and girls from Dhangadi, Nepalgunj, and Kathmandu. The training was facilitated by the teams of Fight Back Pvt. Ltd . Lalitpur Metropolitan City provided needed support and encouragement with the presence of […]
Prayatna Nepal conducted the task force meeting on the virtual platform zoom on 27th February 2022 among 13 individuals of various OPDs. The main objective of the task force meeting is to shed light on the issues of persons with disabilities on digital platforms and also to collect feedback on how OPDs can address these […]
Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.