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Ms Maheshwori bista rawl handing the cheque to the leader of ward level group of person with disabilities
Orientation program on community based rehabilitation
Prayatna Nepal in partnership with Lalitpur Metropolitan City  has conducted 1 day orientation on community based rehabilitation for concerned stake holders and person with disabilities from Lalitpur Metropolitan City, ward number 20 on 3rd July 2022. The main objective of the program was to sensitized person with disabilities and concerned stake holders on community based […]
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Mrs Maheshwori raut handing the meeting minute
Orientation program on community based rehabilitation
Prayatna Nepal in partnership with Lalitpur Metropolitan City    has conducted 1 day orientation on community based rehabilitation for concerned stake holders and person with disabilities from Lalitpur Metropolitan City, ward number21   on 2nd July 2022. The main objective of the program was to sensitized person with disabilities and concerned stake holders on community based rehabilitation. That […]
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Fight back training 5th-9th June,2022
On June 5th, Prayatna Nepal organized the fight back training for visually impaired women, which focused on providing these bright women with tools of empowerment and independence through awareness and self-defense training. 11 participants from different ages, backgrounds and regions were in attendance.Initial introductions commenced with Ms. Sarita Lamichhane instructing the members on the importance […]
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Participants and Prayatna nepal team taking a group photo in the kitchen during training
Life Skills Training - May 26 to 29,2022
Prayatna Nepal organised a four days Life Skills Training to different visually impaired woman from different places of Nepal. The main objective was to enable the visually impaired girls and women to lead an independent life. With the aim to ensure independence among visually impaired girls and women, Prayatna Nepal organized 4 days daily life […]
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Banner of SRHR and Disability Orientation to Health workers
SRHR and Disability Orientation to Health workers -May 10&11 2022
Prayatna Nepal organised a 2 days SRHR and Disability Orientation to health workers of lalitpur Metropolitan area. The main objective was to sensitize health workers on SRHR and Disability rights and issues. The first day of SRHR orientation was started by Ms. Sarita Lamichhane, chairperson of Prayatna Nepal. She formally commenced the program by welcoming […]
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Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2025 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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