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Issue Identification

Sexuality training
Sexuality Training
Introduction Prayatna Nepal, a prominent disability rights organization, recently organized a transformative training program on sexuality for visually impaired women in Nepal. This comprehensive five-day event, held from May 21st to May 25th, aimed to educate and empower visually impaired women from various regions of the country by equipping them with valuable knowledge and skills […]
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Covid dialogue series at Gorkha
Covid dialogue series at Gorkha
Prayatna Nepal had conducted one day Covid dialogue series for 24 visually impaired women in Gorkha. This program was started by Mr. Amrit Rai director of NAB rehabilitation Gorkha. He welcomes all participants and representatives of Gorkha municipality. Chief guest Mr. Bijay Bhakta Tiwari thanks the organizer for bringing such an important program in Gorkha. […]
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Cross movement dialogue program with women human right defenders
Cross movement dialogue program with women human right defenders
Although  person with disabilities work in collaboration with various movements, they are not very well-informed about the issue of disability, which is also proven by the neglect of accessibility in the programs they conduct, realizing the fact Prayatna Nepal has conducted  cross movement dialogue program with women human right defenders  of  Rupandehi district. This dialogue […]
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Feminist Dialogue Series
Feminist Dialogue Series
Prayatna Nepal conducted one-day Feminist Dialogue Series  in Pokhara on 27th December 2023 among 19 blind and visually impaired women and girls. The program was formally started by Miss Sarita Lamichhane chairperson of Prayatna Nepal. She welcomed all the participants. She introduced Prayatna Nepal as  organization. She mainly focused on the activities that are conducted […]
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Feminist dialogue series on digital right
Feminist Dialogue Series on Digital Rights
Prayatna Nepal conducted one-day Feminist Dialogue Series on the digital right in Kathmandu on 24th March 2022 among 19 blind and visually impaired women.
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Prayatna Nepal is an organization established to works for visually impaired women and girls. We empower visually impaired women and girls to take their lives in their own hand.
Copyright © 2025 Prayatna Nepal. Website by: Diverse Patterns
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